She pats her belly
Hugely pregnant.
Expectant. Scared.
Out of her wits.
Zoom in to her
The insider cries.
Muffled voice in a fluid universe.
This is the fourth
state of matter,
He thinks.
The fetus cries.
Sees a ghost.
Within those walls
around him.
The feel of a
brother dead before.
A jealous sibling
never born.
The ghost screams
too. The fetus kicks.
The mother gathers
the neighbours.
They pat and touch
Rejoice and dance
The baby indeed did
The ghost screams.
The fetus is scared.
He drowns in his
life blood.
The doctor says it's
a complication.
Sorry we lost the
The mother cried.
Two drops of tears.
Selfish in the act.
She had heard not
the fetus' screams
The neighbours come
The end.